

Sask was to be a Glukkon and the first boss of Lulu who was supposed to appear in Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee, but due to time constraints during the development he was never included into the final game.1

He was supposed to be a supervisor of an abattoir somewhere in Southern Mudos. The original story suggests that Sask was forced to cut back on costs of his activity at the abattoir due to low stocks and poor resource management. At that point, Sask would have ordered Lulu to slaughter the Scrabs himself. Then Abe and Munch would have intervened. Abe would have possessed Lulu making him slaughter a nearby group of Sligs having a picnic. Surprisingly, not only would have it resulted in a great amount of meat (increasing the profits of the facility), but also the scrap metal from the Slig’ pants would have been sold for extra profit.2

The Magog Cartel, impressed by the performance of Lulu, would have promoted Lulu to the head position at FlubCo Fat Fuels, leaving Sask behind at the abattoir.

This company was also mentioned in the “Dear Alf 61”3:

Taylor: “Dear Alf, what company did Lulu work for before he opened Lulu Fund?”

Alf: “Lulu worked for Flub Fuels, staffing a tiny filling station out in the middle of noplace. You wouldn’t believe how bad he was at it. I heard one time his boss came in to find him with his feet up reading a juicy gossip magazine, except this one time was every single day! No wonder nobody got suspicious when Abe and Munch were making him super rich for no reason.”

He’s also visible in the “Oddworld Inhabitants Office Tour” video at 3:47.


Not much is known about Sask; but based on an excerpt of an interview with Lorne Lanning2, he would have acted quite rudely and in a bossy manner towards Lulu:

[…] And you’ll see little video blurbs, like the first time you see him, he’ll be sleeping and another guy, Sask, who’s his boss, who is just a plant steward guy, will be yelling, “Hey, you idiot! Wake up!” And Lulu will be saying, “Uh, yes, boss!” And he’ll be yelling, “Lulu, you’ve gotta do this and if you don’t do it, goddamnit, you’re fired! That’s it; you’ll be through!” And Lulu will be there, going, “Yes, boss!” But when he leaves, he’ll go, “Duh, what’d he say?” and the way that we do him will be cute and funny. And what you have to do as Abe and Munch, who are available on your controller at all times, is that you have to get Lulu promoted through the Glukkon ranks.

Features In


Both Sask and Lulu appear on the opening panel of the RuptureFarms Annual Board Meeting in Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty, alluding to their status as petty managers of a fellow slaughterhouse. While Lulu’s name is explicitly stated, Sask is referred to as “I Brown Lackey”—or “Capt Wanky.”

In one of the old versions of Oddworld Inhabitants website, Sask’s head was used instead of Lulu’s on Oddworld.com’s universe section by mistake.

