
RuptureFarms 1029

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“They say it’s the biggest meat processing plant on Oddworld…” - Abe


RuptureFarms 1029 is a central location of Abe’s Oddysee and New ‘n’ Tasty. It is a gigantic meat-packing plant, housing 100 (Abe’s Oddysee)/301 (New ‘n’ Tasty) Mudokons and several dozen Sligs, along with the facility’s board of directors, a group of Glukkons, headed by Molluck, who is the son of Lady Margaret, current interim head of the Magog Cartel.


Depending on Abe’s choices, RuptureFarms is eventually destroyed a mythical storm caused by a team of Mudokons, who activate a device called the Rainmaker. The wild bolts of lightning that incapacitate Molluck and kill his Slig aide also cause a fire inside the facility, which being largely deserted and cut-off power, burned down.


Abe’s Oddysee

RuptureFarms in Abe’s Oddysee is a decrepit-looking, run-down factory surrounded by gigantic smokestacks that belch smoke, dimming the sky above. A gigantic dimly-lit sign informs anyone unfortunate enough to tread on a land like this that they entered the facility’s grounds.

The inside of RuptureFarms follows suit. Every surface is dirty, a lot have smears of blood on them and the products the factory has been churning out since odd-knows-when are only advertised by faded posters and a few dingy-lit signs.

New ‘n’ Tasty

Unlike in Abe’s Oddysee, the RuptureFarms of New ‘n’ Tasty is an almost futuristic-looking building featuring huge neon lights and a much sleeker and clean outside design.

Despite this, the inside of the factory remains largely similar in term of dirtiness; however, this is much less apparent as the entire building is a lot more bright, both in the sense of ambient lighting and in a heavily increased number of lamps and LEDs scattered around. The signs and posters are replaced with modern-looking advertising signs.


On a piece of promotional material, the outskirts on which RuptureFarms is built can be seen, along with the smouldering remains of the facility. Notably, unlike in Abe’s Oddysee, RuptureFarms is surrounded by an uninhabited prairie instead of a complex network of buildings.

Features In


As seen in The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants, RuptureFarms was to originally be a cathedral-like building.

The number in RuptureFarms’ name (1029) refers to the fact that it is just a single facility, with a thousand similar others out there. While Abe does say that it is the “biggest meat packing plant on Oddworld,” this is largely because of him being an unreliable narrator.
