

Gabbits are short amphibious creatures that originate from the high clear mountain pools known as Ma’Spa. They once wildly inhabited the waters of Oddworld, but their numbers quickly depleted as they were hunted down by the Vykkers and made into products such as Gabbiar.



A Gabbit’s body is made up of a large head with bulging eyes and little shark-like teeth, connected to a small torso with little skinny arms, and a single fin like leg used for swimming in water and hopping about on land.


Gabbits are extremely social creatures who communicate to each other via musical whistles and chirps, produced by their tongues.

Notable Individuals

Features In


The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years, 1994 - 2004, https://online.fliphtml5.com/vovua/gcxi

Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee, https://www.oddworld.com/oddworldgames/munchs-oddysee/