
The Schism

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The Schism is a period of time where the Mudokons and Glukkons, who once used to live in peace with each other, broke apart and drove the Glukkons to eventually exploit and enslave the Mudokons; meaning all the problems plaguing Mudos, and perhaps even the entire planet of Oddworld, today can ultimately be traced back to this event.


A long time ago, the Mudokons and the Glukkons lived in relative harmony with one another. They shared a common ground in that they both practiced mysticism. Sadly, this peace between them would not last. One day, a massive series of conjoined craters appeared on the moon orbiting the planet; with the shape they formed curiously matching that of a Mudokon’s paw. The Mudokons took this as a sign from the deities of Oddworld, marking them as the chosen superior species of the planet. The Glukkons disagreed with this notion and turned to alchemy in an attempt to disprove the Mudokons’ claims. Unfortunately, a disaster occurred in the process and nearly drove the Glukkons to extinction. The loss of their numbers, combined with their inability to challenge the Mudokon’s beliefs, drove the grief-stricken Glukkons underground. They decided to scorn the moon and the surface it shone upon, swearing never to gaze upon it again.

In their new underground home, the Glukkons thought that since both mysticism and alchemy failed them, they would instead turn their attention to science, technology and industry. The Glukkons proved adept at experimenting with and inventing technology, allowing them to gradually carve out corporations and empires. Over time, a number of these would eventually coalesce together into the organisation known as the Magog Cartel. In their pursuit of industry, technology and the finances that would come with it, the Glukkons’ hatred for the moon and the Mudokons only festered and grew as time went on. Eventually, this would lead to them exploiting and enslaving those who they had once lived in harmony with out of an all-consuming desire for revenge and to show the Mudokons who the truly superior species was.