

Squeek was supposed to be the third protagonist of the Oddworld Quintology; but since it has been rebooted, the answer to whether the character is even part of the series anymore became dubious.


The appearance of the character is largely unknown, aside from a single interview1 that gives a few details about his circumstances:

You once named Squeek’s Oddysee as the third entry - what was your concept, at least at the time?

Lorne Lanning: Squeek’s kind of a spoiler, but I’ll tell you this. The idea was that the Vykkers, who were animal researchers that would kill a million bunnies just to make a better fabric softener, had been making robotic life support devices because so they could repossess people’s body parts like how you’d get evicted. They’d stick what was left of you in this clunky robotic form and tossed you out on the street. That’s who Squeek was but who he REALLY was would come out in the story.




Alf: Squeek’s Oddysee will use a special controller called a Brain Slurg. You insert the Brain Slurg in your ear and it takes over control of your body. It’s immersive!

This is in fact a reference to Futurama, in which one of the characters gets possessed by a brain slug.

